Jeremy Knight
theatrical projection design and videography

Pelléas et Mélisande

Music by Claude Debussy, based on a play by Maurice Maeterlinck. Directed by Keturah Stickann, conducted by Jonathan Khuner, set design by Chad Owens, lighting design by Michael Oesch, costume design by Alina Bokovikova, hair and makeup design by Jolie O'Dell. Produced by West Edge Opera at Craneway Conference Center, Richmond, California, August, 2018.

The Turn of the Screw

Chad Owens's set supplied four rear-projection screens, the larger two of which opened as doors for entrances and exits. Limited space behind the tall screens required the use of two side-mounted short-throw projectors on each side (a total of four), mounted high and low to span the height of the screens. A fifth projector was used for the small center-stage window, which also opened as needed by the action.

The stark black set (Chad Owens) broken by slat-shaped projections (Jeremy Knight) of forest and sea and sky placed us in timeless nature and nowhere contemporary.
     —Steven Winn, San Francisco Classical Voice

Building the dove animation

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