By George Frideric Handel. Directed and conducted by Christine Brandes. Presented at San Francisco State University, April, 2016.
This opera featuring student singers was produced by soprano Christine Brandes, who is a member of the SFSU faculty.
Small screens stage left (circular) and right (rectangular) were built into flats that constituted part of the set; they were illuminated by small 2500-lumen projectors mounted on the railing of the orchestra pit. At certain points in the opera, a 20' x 15' scrim was flown in for animations using the house projector. The projection computer (a 2008-vintage Mac Pro) was located in the light booth near the house projector, and VGA-over-Cat5 extenders purchased on eBay were used to send the video signals 200' to the projectors near the stage.
Paintings by Pre-Raphaelite artist Edward Burne-Jones were suggested by the director and were featured in many of the small projections.