Jeremy Knight
theatrical projection design and videography

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg

By Richard Wagner. Directed by Yuval Sharon. Produced by Berkeley Opera at Julia Morgan Theater, July 2005.

The director and designers Jeremy Knight (video projections), Rob Anderson (lighting) and Leah Slyder Vass (costumes) envision Nurnberg as a quaint vacation destination; the production opens on a double row of chairs flanked by two movable panels and a video screen. The chorus members file onto the stage as if they're boarding a plane, with flight attendants miming the preflight spiel. Rear-projected video images suggest takeoff and, moments later, a landing in the German village.
     —Georgia Rowe, Contra Costa Times

Sharon's production, abetted by Jeremy Knight's beautiful visual projections, does a fine job of bringing home the opera's blend of romance and seriousness.
     —Joshua Kosman, San Francisco Chronicle

Die Meistersinger

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